Professional work

Role: lead industrial designer, lead UX designer, product owner of clinical software, contributor to engineering testing and development of physical device

Doctor measures patient's balance on the ZIBRIO stability pro scale. Patient is standing still on the scale with eyes open. A score chart from 1-10 is shown next to the patient.
The Stability Pro scale stands upright behind a computer showing ZIBRIO Balance Care software, and a cellphone showing the ZIBRIO Balance Coach mobile app

Professional tool to measure balance and fall risk

The ZIBRIO Stability Pro scale is used by clinicians, physical therapists, and personal trainers to measure balance and fall risk. The patient stands still on the scale for 60 seconds to get a balance and fall risk score. Accompanying software can be used for personalized patient counseling.


ZIBRIO Stability Home Scale


Participatory Design of Home Enteral Feeding Equipment